
Reward and Behavior Charts! (Motivation Matters)


This is a great alternate chart to use as an individualized behavior “incentive” chart. Negative behaviors are not listed on this chart. Points are not taken away. Only positive things that is attainable for the child to work on, are noted on this chart. Explain to the child the goals. Ask him/her what prize he’d like to earn. It can most likely be a prize that he/she would get anyways, like a new backpack or a new book or toy. This chart has proven successes with many children. I hope it works for your child too! I recommend using it in the classroom and offering it to students’ parents, to use at home, as well. This is how I used it in my Kindergarten classroom. Motivation matters for some!

Follow the link below to find the download:

Click here and it will take you to the page!

Enjoy! -Andrea