Month: November 2012

Your School Lunch Serves What?

Many schools and countries around the world are finally serving healthy school lunches. However some are not, sadly. I recently came across a blog that was written by a school girl. She has taken pictures of what her school serves for lunch each day. Her blog actually has over 8 million page views! Many posts are from other children around the world that have posted their own pictures from their school cafeteria also! School lunch has become a hot topic and a very important trend. Why? Research asserts that healthy eating results in a better learning environment. We have all heard that “healthy minds equals healthy bodies.” Well, it is true!

So, stop by Martha’s blog and compare your school lunch to hers!

She even has a book for sale! Wow! What an amazing young girl!

What Research Says About Healthy Eating:

* The brain is powered by energy that comes from broken down food.

* Food influences mood.

* Eating breakfast refuels your body and prepares it for the day.

*”Another study, published in 2005 by theAmerican Society for Nutrition, found that higher intakes of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish and vegetable oils) may contribute to improved academic performance while increased ingestion of cholesterol was linked to poorer performance.” -courtesy of: greatschools

* Additives in food (like dyes and preservatives) may increase hyperactivity in children

* Eating fast food more than 3 times a week, can decrease your test scores!


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Kindergarten Common Core Lesson Plans 2014


I have spent alot of my free time developing a Kindergarten Curriculum, which can be used in School or for home-schooling teachers. It is unique in that I have created it based on how I teach in the Kindergarten classroom, which is standards-based, as well as developmental-based. I have also weaved some Montessori methods into the construction of the order of teaching letters and sounds. Since the emergence of the Common Core State Standards, I have re-vamped the Lesson Plans and made them better. All 10 Common Core Aligned months of Lesson Plans are now complete and updated! Each set of plans come with activities,printable books and flashcards. Each month can be downloaded by month or in a bundle, here:

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 12345 Bundle

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8


Month 9

Here is a FREE sample of Month 5, Week 1 Lesson Plan with the Common Core Standards Alignments

Month 5 Week 1 Sample lesson for GBK post

Learning with Novelty – Gangnum Style!

A new phenomenom has hit the internet and you may have heard of it- PSY Gangnam Style! This newbie Korean singer with “cheesy” dance moves (as he quoted himself) has been #1 on the itunes stores for weeks. Recently, he appeared on the Today Show and The Ellen Show. His dance moves are being copied all over the world from Australia to Saudi Arabia!

So, what makes PSY and his style so special? One word- Novelty! That’s right and this word novelty is actually a form of helping people learn and retain new information. Amazingly, this can be related to the field of Education. Just as new video games and tech toys grab young people and adults attention, alike, so does anything new! Yes-anything! So try something new, the next time you want to get someone’s attention in or outside of the classroom.

Brain research confirms that novelty is a mechanism for learning. It aids in retaining new information. However, once the “newness” has worn off, another type of novelty will continue the process.

Imagine using this silly video to teach children with. The possibilities are endless. Children could compare the original version to the American version. Students could research and translate the original Korean lyrics to American. They could study the impact of viral videos on the web or even calculate the percentage of You Tube “hits” each day. Quite simply, they could write about how the song made them “feel” the first time that they heard it. Math, Social Studies, Foreign language, Technology and Writing can be taught with one simple song!

Now keep in mind that this song has the word “sexy” as part of its lyrics-so it may not appropriate for the classroom (well, it may even be banned). However, this platform of learning through novelty, language and You Tube, can be used in so many educational ways.

How could you use a You Tube video to teach your students?

Saudi Gangnam Style:

Psy on the Ellen Show:

“Environmental Novelty is Associated with a Selective Increase in Fos Expression in the Output Elements of the Hippocampal Formation and the Perirhinal Cortex”