Letter Power Points


Just click on the links below to view the Power Points for each letter. I collected these over the years. Some were made by myself and others by co-workers. I hope your children enjoy them!

Letter Aa

Letter Bb


Letter D

Letter E

Letter Ff

Letter Gg


Letter Ii

Letter Jj

Letter Kk

Letter Ll   

Letter Mm

Letter Nn

Letter Oo

Letter Pp.


Letter Rr

Letter Ss

Letter Tt

Letter Uu

Letter Vv

Letter Ww

Letter Y

Letter Z

Hmmm…..X…..it is still MIA, so I’ll recreate and add it too! I’ve recently added Letter Cc, Hh and Qq. Enjoy!


  1. I love this link and will use it with my kindergarten students. I am the only teacher in my district to use the letter person phonic series. I have to buy my own materials to use it! Thanks so much for your web site!


    1. You are very welcome! I love the letter people! They are expensive-perhaps you could ask the PTO/PTA to reimburse you. Over the years, I wrote up some grand reports explaining how materials met the needs of the state standards and also aligned with the curriculum, and I was able to get money to purchase things with, as a result. Have a great school year!


  2. Your site is amazing! I really love how you freely share your information, I am so grateful! Just an idea for you…I do my “letter” sounds by color (con in blue and vowels in red). Then we make the vowels “dress up” differently for different words because they “can’t decide what to wear” unless they are with a certain consonants. Then we make “thief” consonants (like C, G) because they “steal” K, S and J sounds.


    1. Hmmm….maybe your PowerPoint version is different. But I’m not sure how to fix that. These were made by me and my colleagues about 10 years ago! They are all free. Sorry that it’s not working out.


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